Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Scribere est agere? Really?

There is a large part of me that is unsure whether writing is indeed acting, or the pen mightier than the sword etc. etc.  I started this blog today because all of me hopes so. 

Just today I became involved in a Facebook argument about whether Rush Limbaugh and other such hate-spewing intellectual midgets should be pulled from the airwaves in light of how they may have influenced the behavior of one Jared Loughner. My answer is and will always be: FUCK NO! I believe in personal responsibility, that we get what we deserve, that if no one listened to trash, trash wouldn't be on the air.  The answer then must surely be to raise your voice too, to shout til you're hoarse, in the hopes of drowning out the Rush Limbaugh's of this world.  Add to the cacophony, it doesn't matter if it's already deafening.  Maybe I feel this way because I spent too many Sundays at Italian dinner tables where shouting was the only option if you ever intended to be heard.  Whatever the case may be, this is my tiny pulpit, here is my megaphone. 


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